yum update - pri aktualizaci nastava chyba

Dobry den,
ve Fedore nejsem nijak kovany a tak budu rad, za jakoukoliv radu. Pri udate systemu prikazem
#yum update na me vyleze toho hlaseni:

yum update

Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit, security
Skipping security plugin, no data
Setting up Update Process
Resolving Dependencies
Skipping security plugin, no data
–> Running transaction check
–> Processing Dependency: glibc-common = 2.11.1-4 for package: glibc-2.11.1-4.i686
—> Package glibc-common.i686 0:2.11.1-6 set to be updated
–> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: glibc-2.11.1-4.i686 (@updates)
Requires: glibc-common = 2.11.1-4
Removing: glibc-common-2.11.1-4.i686 (@updates)
Available: glibc-common-2.11-2.i686 (fedora)
Installing: glibc-common-2.11.1-6.i686 (updates)
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
abrt-1.0.9-2.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with abrt-1.0.9-1.fc12.i686
abrt-addon-ccpp-1.0.9-2.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with abrt-addon-ccpp-1.0.9-1.fc12.i686
abrt-addon-kerneloops-1.0.9-2.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with abrt-addon-kerneloops- 1.0.9-1.fc12.i686
abrt-addon-python-1.0.9-2.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with abrt-addon-python-1.0.9-1.fc12.i686
abrt-gui-1.0.9-2.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with abrt-gui-1.0.9-1.fc12.i686
abrt-libs-1.0.9-2.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with abrt-libs-1.0.9-1.fc12.i686
abrt-plugin-bugzilla-1.0.9-2.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with abrt-plugin-bugzilla-1.0.9-1.fc12.i686
abrt-plugin-logger-1.0.9-2.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with abrt-plugin-logger-1.0.9-1.fc12.i686
abrt-plugin-runapp-1.0.9-2.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with abrt-plugin-runapp-1.0.9-1.fc12.i686
festival-1.96-16.fc12.i686 has missing requires of festvox-slt-arctic-hts
fipscheck-lib-1.2.0-4.fc12.i686 has missing requires of /usr/bin/fipscheck
gdb-7.0.1-45.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with gdb-7.0.1-44.fc12.i686
glibc-2.11.1-6.i686 is a duplicate with glibc-2.11.1-4.i686
glibc-2.11.1-6.i686 has missing requires of glibc-common = (‘0’, ‘2.11.1’, ‘6’)
ibus-pinyin-open-phrase-1.3.5-1.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with ibus-pinyin-open-phrase-1.3.3-1.fc12.i686
preupgrade-1.1.5-1.fc12.noarch is a duplicate with preupgrade-1.1.4-1.fc12.noarch
setroubleshoot-plugins-2.1.50-1.fc12.noarch is a duplicate with setroubleshoot-plugins-2.1.49-1.fc12.noarch
system-config-lvm-1.1.13-1.fc12.noarch is a duplicate with system-config-lvm-1.1.12-2.fc12.noarch

Z vypisu jsem vyrozumel, ze je problem se zavislostmi na Requires: glibc-common = 2.11.1-4, kdy je pozadovan glib-common v. 2.11.1-4, k dispozici je glib-common v. 2.11.1-2 a instalovan 2.11.1-6 a doporucovan mi je prepinac --skip-broken .
Zadam tedy :

yum update --skip broken

Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit, security
Skipping security plugin, no data
Setting up Update Process
No Match for argument: broken
No package broken available.
No Packages marked for Update

Z toho me tedy vychazi, ze nejsou zadne broken balicky a zadne balicky oznacene pro update.
Zkousel jsem pak postup:
#yum clean all

coz nevedlo k zadne zmene…
Z googlu taky nejsem v teto vecy nejak moudry, tak kdyby si nekdo vedel rady, urcite napiste.
Vsem predem dekuji za reakci a pomoc.
S pozdravem jura321

Zkusil bych:
yum clean all
a pak
yum update --skip-broken …tady jsi udelal chybu - opsal jsi to spatne!

glibc je ted ve verzi 2.11.1-6 tak nevim proc ti tam cpe 2.11.1-4

Posli jeste vypis:
yum repolist
rpm -qa glibc*

Dobry den,
jak uz jsem uvedl ve svem uvodnim prispevku, yum clean all jsem zkousel, zde je jeho vypis:

yum clean all

Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit, security
Cleaning up Everything
0 delta-package files removed, by presto

yum update --skip-broken se omlouvam, samozrejme jsem se prepsal…
glibc v 2.11.1-6 vs 2.11.1-4 to taky nevim, proc to tam cpe…

#yum repolist

yum clean all

Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit, security
Cleaning up Everything
0 delta-package files removed, by presto
[root@jtepal jura]# yum repolist
Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit, security
adobe-linux-i386 | 951 B 00:00
adobe-linux 386/primary | 11 kB 00:00
adobe-linux-i386 17/17
fedora/metalink | 30 kB 00:00
fedora | 4.2 kB 00:00
fedora/primary_db | 9.7 MB 00:21
rpmfusion-free | 3.8 kB 00:00
rpmfusion-free/primary_db | 297 kB 00:00
rpmfusion-free-updates | 2.8 kB 00:00
rpmfusion-free-updates/primary_db | 453 kB 00:01
rpmfusion-nonfree | 3.3 kB 00:00
rpmfusion-nonfree/primary_db | 87 kB 00:00
rpmfusion-nonfree-updates | 2.8 kB 00:00
rpmfusion-nonfree-updates/primary_db | 134 kB 00:00
updates/metalink | 23 kB 00:00
updates | 4.5 kB 00:00
updates/primary_db | 4.2 MB 00:14
repo id repo name status
adobe-linux-i386 Adobe Systems Incorporated 17
fedora Fedora 12 - i386 15,366
rpmfusion-free RPM Fusion for Fedora 12 - Free 383
rpmfusion-free-updates RPM Fusion for Fedora 12 - Free - Updates 1,115
rpmfusion-nonfree RPM Fusion for Fedora 12 - Nonfree 124
rpmfusion-nonfree-updates RPM Fusion for Fedora 12 - Nonfree - Updates 442
updates Fedora 12 - i386 - Updates 6,308
repolist: 23,755

#rpm -qa glibc*

Uff, no zformatovani vystupu…, jinak diky za odezvu…

Formatovani muzes udelat tak ze nechas puvodni a das to do zavorek [ code ] [ /code ] (bez mezer).

Repozitare mas spravne, ale v tech knihovnach je nejaky zmatek. Jak ses do tohoto stavu dostal nevim, ale je mozne ze si vypnul pocitac nez se dokoncila nejaka aktualizace (uz jsem to zazil, na vine je packagekit ktery dela aktualizace na pozadi a lidi si toho nevsimnout). Jak z toho ven - bude to chtit trochu vlastni invence.

  1. rpm -e glibc-2.11.1-4.i686
    pokud to bude rvat na nejake zavislosti muzes zkusit
  2. package-cleanup --cleandupes
    mas tam totiz duplicitnich baliku totiz mnohem vicero…
    ani to to ale nemusi vyresit protoze tam mas balik glibc-common-2.11.1-4.i686 ale chce to jeste 2.11.1-6

Pak teprve zkus skip-broken. Uvidime co z toho vypadne.

takze postup je tento:

# rpm -e glibc-2.11.1-4.i686
error: Failed dependencies:
	glibc = 2.11.1-4 is needed by (installed) glibc-common-2.11.1-4.i686

ok, takze zkusime to odstranit..
#package-cleanup --cleandupes

Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit
--> Running transaction check
---> Package abrt.i686 0:1.0.9-1.fc12 set to be erased
*(zde je haffffooo dalsich zavyslosti, musel jsem to zkratit, jinak by to neslo pridat jako 
---> Package crontabs.noarch 0:1.10-31.fc12 set to be erased
---> Package sendmail.i686 0:8.14.3-8.fc12 set to be erased
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

 Package                    Arch   Version                      Repository
 abrt                       i686   1.0.9-1.fc12                 @updates  551 k
 abrt-addon-ccpp            i686   1.0.9-1.fc12                 @updates   49 k
 abrt-addon-kerneloops      i686   1.0.9-1.fc12                 @updates   50 k
 abrt-addon-python          i686   1.0.9-1.fc12                 @updates   28 k
 abrt-gui                   i686   1.0.9-1.fc12                 @updates  375 k
 abrt-libs                  i686   1.0.9-1.fc12                 @updates  155 k
 abrt-plugin-bugzilla       i686   1.0.9-1.fc12                 @updates   49 k
 abrt-plugin-logger         i686   1.0.9-1.fc12                 @updates   18 k
 abrt-plugin-runapp         i686   1.0.9-1.fc12                 @updates  7.6 k
 gdb                        i686   7.0.1-44.fc12                @updates  4.7 M
 glibc                      i686   2.11.1-4                     @updates   13 M
 ibus-pinyin-open-phrase    i686   1.3.3-1.fc12                 @updates   59 M
 preupgrade                 noarch 1.1.4-1.fc12                 @updates  347 k
 setroubleshoot-plugins     noarch 2.1.49-1.fc12                @updates  4.6 M
 system-config-lvm          noarch 1.1.12-2.fc12                @updates  3.0 M
Removing for dependencies:
 DeviceKit-disks            i686   009-3.fc12                   installed 482 k
 DeviceKit-power            i686   014-1.fc12                   @updates  236 k
 MAKEDEV                    i686   3.24-4                       installed 219 k
 NetworkManager             i686   1:0.8.0-6.git20100408.fc12   @updates  4.0 M
 NetworkManager-gnome       i686   1:0.8.0-6.git20100408.fc12   @updates  1.5 M
 NetworkManager-openvpn     i686   1:0.7.996-4.git20090923.fc12 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          471 k
 NetworkManager-pptp        i686   1:0.7.997-3.git20100120.fc12 @updates  397 k
 NetworkManager-vpnc        i686   1:0.7.996-4.git20090921.fc12 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          343 k
 acpid                      i686   1.0.10-2.fc12                installed  63 k
 alsa-plugins-pulseaudio    i686   1.0.22-1.fc12                @updates   87 k
 audacious                  i686   2.2-14.fc12                  @updates  1.3 M
 audacious-plugins          i686   2.2-32.fc12                  @updates  4.7 M
                            i686   2.2-3.fc12                   @rpmfusion-free-updates
                                                                           17 k
                            i686   2.2-3.fc12                   @rpmfusion-free-updates
                                                                           35 k
 b43-openfwwf               noarch 5.2-3.fc12                   @updates   31 k
 bittorrent                 noarch 4.4.0-13.fc12                @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          1.5 M
 bluez                      i686   4.58-1.fc12                  @updates  903 k
 bluez-cups                 i686   4.58-1.fc12                  @updates   35 k
 ccid                       i686   1.3.9-2.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          395 k
 clutter                    i686   1.0.6-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          1.2 M
 clutter-gtk                i686   0.10.2-1.fc12                @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          294 k
 compiz                     i686   0.8.2-24.fc12                @updates  4.2 M
 compiz-gnome               i686   0.8.2-24.fc12                @updates  2.1 M
 coolkey                    i686   1.1.0-11.fc12                @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          210 k
 cpuspeed                   i686   1:1.5-13.fc12                @updates   62 k
 crda                       i686   1.1.1_2009.11.25-2.fc12      @updates   27 k
 cronie                     i686   1.4.3-4.fc12                 @updates  156 k
 cronie-anacron             i686   1.4.3-4.fc12                 @updates   36 k
 crontabs                   noarch 1.10-31.fc12                 installed 2.4 k
 cups                       i686   1:1.4.2-28.fc12              @updates   11 M
 cyrus-sasl                 i686   2.1.23-9.fc12                @updates  123 k
 cyrus-sasl-devel           i686   2.1.23-9.fc12                @updates  978 k
 desktop-effects            i686   0.8.6-1.fc12                 @updates  257 k
 device-mapper-multipath    i686   0.4.9-6.fc12                 @updates  139 k
 dhclient                   i686   12:4.1.1-13.fc12             @updates  628 k
 directfb                   i686   1.4.2-3.fc12                 @fedora   3.5 M
 dnsmasq                    i686   2.52-1.fc12                  @updates  295 k
 dracut                     noarch 005-2.fc12                   @updates  141 k
 empathy                    i686   2.28.2-2.fc12                @updates  5.7 M
 empathy-libs               i686   2.28.2-2.fc12                @updates  802 k
 exaile                     noarch               @updates  5.7 M
 firstboot                  i686   1.110-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          659 k
 foomatic-db-ppds           noarch 4.0-8.20091126.fc12          @updates   24 M
 freeglut                   i686   2.6.0-1.fc12                 @updates  550 k
 fuse                       i686   2.8.1-4.fc12                 @updates  180 k
 gdm                        i686   1:2.28.2-3.fc12              @updates  4.4 M
 gdm-plugin-fingerprint     i686   1:2.28.2-3.fc12              @updates   71 k
 gdm-user-switch-applet     i686   1:2.28.2-3.fc12              @updates  103 k
 gecko-mediaplayer          i686               @rpmfusion-free-updates
                                                                          481 k
 glibc-common               i686   2.11.1-4                     @updates  107 M
 glx-utils                  i686   7.7-4.fc12                   @updates   44 k
 gnome-applets              i686   1:2.28.0-2.fc12              @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           15 M
 gnome-bluetooth            i686   2.28.6-2.fc12                @updates  1.5 M
 gnome-desktop-sharp        i686   2.26.0-5.fc12                @fedora   730 k
 gnome-disk-utility         i686   2.28.1-1.fc12                @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          452 k
 gnome-disk-utility-libs    i686   2.28.1-1.fc12                installed 4.8 M
 gnome-disk-utility-ui-libs i686   2.28.1-1.fc12                installed 140 k
 gnome-do                   i686               @updates  1.6 M
 gnome-do-plugins           i686   0.8.2-1.fc12                 @fedora   4.8 M
 gnome-do-plugins-evolution i686   0.8.2-1.fc12                 @fedora    25 k
 gnome-games                i686   1:2.28.2-1.fc12              @updates   14 M
 gnome-games-help           noarch 1:2.28.2-1.fc12              @updates   23 M
 gnome-mplayer              i686               @rpmfusion-free-updates
                                                                          325 k
 gnome-mplayer-common       i686               @rpmfusion-free-updates
                                                                          771 k
 gnome-mplayer-nautilus     i686               @rpmfusion-free-updates
                                                                           18 k
 gnome-packagekit           i686   2.28.3-0.1.20091211git.fc12  @updates  7.2 M
 gnome-panel                i686   2.28.0-16.fc12               @updates  9.4 M
 gnome-power-manager        i686   2.28.2-2.fc12                @updates  7.3 M
 gnome-session              i686   2.28.0-2.fc12                @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          1.6 M
 gnome-session-xsession     i686   2.28.0-2.fc12                @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          4.6 k
 gnome-terminal             i686   2.28.2-1.fc12                @updates  7.0 M
 gnome-user-share           i686   2.28.2-2.fc12                @updates  1.1 M
 gparted                    i686   0.5.1-1.fc12                 @updates  3.4 M
 gpsd                       i686   2.39-5.fc12                  installed 514 k
 gutenprint-cups            i686   5.2.5-2.fc12                 @updates  532 k
 gvfs                       i686   1.4.3-7.fc12                 @updates  4.7 M
 gvfs-archive               i686   1.4.3-7.fc12                 @updates  144 k
 gvfs-fuse                  i686   1.4.3-7.fc12                 @updates   26 k
 gvfs-gphoto2               i686   1.4.3-7.fc12                 @updates  218 k
 gvfs-obexftp               i686   1.4.3-7.fc12                 @updates  163 k
 gvfs-smb                   i686   1.4.3-7.fc12                 @updates  307 k
 hal                        i686   0.5.13-9.fc12                @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          1.2 M
 hal-info                   noarch 20090716-3.fc12              @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          310 k
 hpijs                      i686   1:3.10.2-6.fc12              @updates  8.9 M
 hplip                      i686   3.10.2-6.fc12                @updates  8.7 M
 hplip-libs                 i686   3.10.2-6.fc12                @updates  322 k
 httpd                      i686   2.2.14-1.fc12                @updates  2.7 M
 ibus-qt                    i686   1.3.0-1.fc12                 @updates  430 k
 ifd-egate                  i686   0.05-22                      @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           44 k
 initscripts                i686   9.02.1-1                     @updates  5.5 M
 iputils                    i686   20071127-10.fc12             @updates  269 k
 kbd                        i686   1.15-9.fc12                  installed 2.3 M
 kdegraphics-libs           i686   7:4.4.2-3.fc12               @updates  2.8 M
 kdelibs                    i686   6:4.4.2-2.fc12               @updates   44 M
 kdepimlibs                 i686   4.4.2-1.fc12                 @updates  6.6 M
 kdepimlibs-akonadi         i686   4.4.2-1.fc12                 @updates  2.3 M
 kio_msits                  i686   7:4.4.2-3.fc12               @updates   26 k
 libcaca                    i686   0.99-0.9.beta16.fc12         @fedora   706 k
 libchamplain               i686   0.4.5-1.fc12                 @updates  423 k
 libchamplain-gtk           i686   0.4.5-1.fc12                 @updates   11 k
 libdrm                     i686   2.4.18-2.fc12                @updates  117 k
 libgpod                    i686   0.7.2-8.fc12                 @updates  693 k
 libmtp                     i686   1.0.2-1.fc12                 @updates  732 k
 libsane-hpaio              i686   3.10.2-6.fc12                @updates  119 k
 lyx                        i686   1.6.5-2.fc12                 @updates  7.9 M
 lyx-common                 noarch 1.6.5-2.fc12                 @updates   29 M
 mdadm                      i686   3.0.3-2.fc12                 @updates  1.6 M
 media-player-info          noarch 5-1.fc12                     @updates   46 k
 mesa-dri-drivers           i686   7.7-4.fc12                   @updates  6.0 M
 mesa-libGL                 i686   7.7-4.fc12                   @updates  576 k
 mesa-libGLU                i686   7.7-4.fc12                   @updates  416 k
 microcode_ctl              i686   1:1.17-1.57.fc12             @updates  1.3 M
 mplayer                    i686   1.0-0.112.20100424svn.fc12   @rpmfusion-free-updates
                                                                          8.7 M
 mplayer-gui                i686   1.0-0.112.20100424svn.fc12   @rpmfusion-free-updates
                                                                          8.9 M
 nautilus                   i686   2.28.4-2.fc12                @updates   16 M
 nautilus-sendto            i686   2.28.2-2.fc12                @updates  593 k
 net-snmp                   i686   1:            @updates  789 k
 net-tools                  i686   1.60-99.fc12                 @updates  759 k
 nfs-utils                  i686   1:1.2.1-5.fc12               @updates  633 k
 ntop                       i686   3.3.10-2.fc12                @fedora    36 M
 ntp                        i686   4.2.4p8-1.fc12               @updates  1.1 M
 ntpdate                    i686   4.2.4p8-1.fc12               @updates   70 k
 openssh                    i686   5.3p1-19.fc12                @updates  646 k
 openssh-askpass            i686   5.3p1-19.fc12                @updates   10 k
 openssh-clients            i686   5.3p1-19.fc12                @updates  1.0 M
 openssh-server             i686   5.3p1-19.fc12                @updates  579 k
 openvpn                    i686   2.1.1-2.fc12                 @updates  793 k
 pcmciautils                i686   015-5.fc12                   @updates   79 k
 pcsc-lite                  i686   1.5.2-3.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          393 k
 phonon                     i686   4.4.1-2.fc12                 @updates  492 k
 phonon-backend-xine        i686   4.4.1-2.fc12                 @updates  409 k
 plymouth                   i686   0.8.0-0.2009. @updates  128 k
 plymouth-gdm-hooks         i686   0.8.0-0.2009. @updates  171  
 plymouth-utils             i686   0.8.0-0.2009. @updates   12 k
 pm-utils                   i686   1.2.5-7.fc12                 @updates  251 k
 policycoreutils            i686   2.0.82-4.fc12                @updates  3.4 M
 policycoreutils-gui        i686   2.0.82-4.fc12                @updates  690 k
 policycoreutils-python     i686   2.0.82-4.fc12                @updates  760 k
 polkit-qt                  i686   0.95.1-3.fc12                @updates  182 k
 poppler-qt4                i686   0.12.4-2.fc12                @updates  373 k
 printer-filters            noarch 1.1-4.fc12                   @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
 ptouch-driver              i686   1.3-2.fc12                   installed  48 k
 pulseaudio                 i686   0.9.21-5.fc12                @updates  1.9 M
 pulseaudio-gdm-hooks       i686   0.9.21-5.fc12                @updates  385  
                            i686   0.9.21-5.fc12                @updates  154 k
 pulseaudio-module-gconf    i686   0.9.21-5.fc12                @updates   17 k
 pulseaudio-module-x11      i686   0.9.21-5.fc12                @updates   41 k
 python-iwlib               i686   0.1-1.fc12                   installed  25 k
 python-meh                 noarch 0.7-1.fc12                   @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          352 k
 qimageblitz                i686   0.0.4-0.6.svn706674.fc12     @fedora   120 k
 qt-x11                     i686   1:4.6.2-17.fc12              @updates   45 M
 quota                      i686   1:3.17-8.fc12                @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          914 k
 rdesktop                   i686   1.6.0-7.fc12                 @fedora   371 k
 readahead                  i686   1:1.5.4-1.fc12               @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          103 k
 rhythmbox                  i686   0.12.6-5.fc12                @updates   11 M
 rng-utils                  i686   1:2.0-4.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           26 k
 rpcbind                    i686   0.2.0-4.fc12                 installed  91 k
 rsyslog                    i686   4.4.2-1.fc12                 @updates  1.1 M
 samba-client               i686   3.4.7-58.fc12                @updates   38 M
 samba-common               i686   3.4.7-58.fc12                @updates   37 M
 sane-backends              i686   1.0.20-11.fc12               @updates  3.6 M
 sane-backends-libs         i686   1.0.20-11.fc12               @updates  7.2 M
 scribus                    i686   1.3.6-2.fc12                 @updates   43 M
 scribus-doc                noarch 1.3.6-2.fc12                 @updates  9.7 M
 sendmail                   i686   8.14.3-8.fc12                installed 1.5 M
 setroubleshoot             i686   2.2.69-1.fc12                @updates  234 k
 setroubleshoot-plugins     noarch 2.1.50-1.fc12                installed 4.8 M
 setroubleshoot-server      i686   2.2.69-1.fc12                @updates  1.2 M
 smartmontools              i686   1:5.39.1-1.fc12              @updates  997 k
 smolt                      noarch 1.4.2-1.fc12                 @updates  1.0 M
 smolt-firstboot            noarch 1.4.2-1.fc12                 @updates   13 k
 system-config-date         noarch 1.9.53-1.fc12                @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          3.1 M
 system-config-date-docs    noarch 1.0.8-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          1.3 M
 system-config-firewall     noarch 1.2.21-1.fc12                @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          486 k
 system-config-firewall-tui noarch 1.2.21-1.fc12                @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           60 k
 system-config-keyboard     i686   1.3.1-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          485 k
 system-config-network      noarch 1.6.0-2.fc12                 @updates  1.8 M
 system-config-network-tui  noarch 1.6.0-2.fc12                 @updates  4.8 M
 system-config-services     noarch 0.99.43-1.fc12               @updates  673 k
                            noarch 1.1.7-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          954 k
 system-setup-keyboard      i686   0.7-2.fc12                   @updates   12 k
 terminator                 noarch 0.93-1.fc12                  @updates  1.2 M
 tigervnc-server            i686   1.0.1-1.fc12                 @updates  2.9 M
 totem                      i686   2.28.5-1.fc12                @updates  7.9 M
 totem-nautilus             i686   2.28.5-1.fc12                @updates  185 k
 tsclient                   i686   2.0.2-5.fc12                 @fedora   378 k
 udev                       i686   145-20.fc12                  @updates  1.0 M
 vlc                        i686   1.0.5-2.fc12                 @rpmfusion-free-updates
                                                                          4.3 M
 vlc-core                   i686   1.0.5-2.fc12                 @rpmfusion-free-updates
                                                                           26 M
 vte                        i686   0.22.5-1.fc12                @updates  950 k
 wireless-tools             i686   1:29-5.1.fc12                installed 188 k
 xine-lib                   i686              @updates  5.6 M
 xine-lib-extras            i686              @updates  199 k
 xine-lib-extras-freeworld  i686              @rpmfusion-free
                                                                          868 k
 xine-ui                    i686   0.99.6-1.fc12                @updates  2.8 M
 xorg-x11-drivers           i686   7.3-13.fc12                  @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
 xorg-x11-drv-acecad        i686   1.4.0-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           18 k
 xorg-x11-drv-aiptek        i686   1.3.0-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           28 k
 xorg-x11-drv-apm           i686   1.2.2-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          125 k
 xorg-x11-drv-ast           i686   0.89.9-1.fc12                @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           49 k
 xorg-x11-drv-ati           i686   6.13.0-0.21.20100219gite68d3a389.fc12
                                                                @updates  1.1 M
 xorg-x11-drv-cirrus        i686   1.3.2-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           72 k
 xorg-x11-drv-dummy         i686   0.3.3-1.fc12                 @updates   14 k
 xorg-x11-drv-elographics   i686   1.2.3-4.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           17 k
 xorg-x11-drv-evdev         i686   2.3.3-1.fc12                 @updates   42 k
 xorg-x11-drv-fbdev         i686   0.4.1-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           19 k
 xorg-x11-drv-fpit          i686   1.3.0-4.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           15 k
 xorg-x11-drv-geode         i686              @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          276 k
 xorg-x11-drv-glint         i686   1.2.4-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          278 k
 xorg-x11-drv-hyperpen      i686   1.3.0-3.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           18 k
 xorg-x11-drv-i128          i686   1.3.3-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           56 k
 xorg-x11-drv-i740          i686   1.3.2-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           46 k
 xorg-x11-drv-intel         i686   2.9.1-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          1.0 M
 xorg-x11-drv-keyboard      i686   1.4.0-2.fc12                 @updates   22 k
 xorg-x11-drv-mach64        i686   6.8.2-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          227 k
 xorg-x11-drv-mga           i686   1.4.11-1.fc12                @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          172 k
 xorg-x11-drv-mouse         i686   1.5.0-1.fc12                 @updates   48 k
 xorg-x11-drv-mutouch       i686   1.2.1-4.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           18 k
 xorg-x11-drv-neomagic      i686   1.2.4-2.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           75 k
 xorg-x11-drv-nouveau       i686   1:0.0.15-21.20091105gite1c2efd.fc12
                                                                @updates  321 k
 xorg-x11-drv-nv            i686   2.1.15-2.fc12                @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          196 k
 xorg-x11-drv-openchrome    i686   0.2.904-1.fc12               @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          447 k
 xorg-x11-drv-penmount      i686   1.4.0-4.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           15 k
 xorg-x11-drv-r128          i686   6.8.1-2.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          113 k
 xorg-x11-drv-rendition     i686   4.2.2-4.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           42 k
 xorg-x11-drv-s3virge       i686   1.10.4-1.fc12                @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           75 k
 xorg-x11-drv-savage        i686   2.3.1-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          146 k
 xorg-x11-drv-siliconmotion i686   1.7.3-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          120 k
 xorg-x11-drv-sis           i686   0.10.2-1.fc12                @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          594 k
 xorg-x11-drv-sisusb        i686   0.9.3-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           74 k
 xorg-x11-drv-synaptics     i686   1.2.2-1.fc12                 @updates   91 k
 xorg-x11-drv-tdfx          i686   1.4.3-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           69 k
 xorg-x11-drv-trident       i686   1.3.3-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          158 k
 xorg-x11-drv-v4l           i686   0.2.0-3.fc12.1               @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           16 k
 xorg-x11-drv-vesa          i686   2.3.0-1.fc12                 @updates   23 k
 xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse       i686   12.6.5-2.fc12                @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           20 k
 xorg-x11-drv-vmware        i686   10.16.7-2.fc12               @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           48 k
 xorg-x11-drv-void          i686   1.3.0-2.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          9.7 k
 xorg-x11-drv-voodoo        i686   1.2.3-1.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                           28 k
 xorg-x11-drv-wacom         i686   0.10.6-1.fc12                @updates  331 k
 xorg-x11-server-Xorg       i686   1.7.6-4.fc12                 @updates  3.5 M
 xsane                      i686   0.997-3.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          2.0 M
 xsane-gimp                 i686   0.997-3.fc12                 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386
                                                                          678 k
 yp-tools                   i686   2.9-8.fc12                   installed 152 k
 ypbind                     i686   3:1.20.4-20.fc12             installed  69 k
 zvbi                       i686   0.2.33-4.fc12                @fedora   1.2 M

Transaction Summary
Remove      261 Package(s)
Reinstall     0 Package(s)
Downgrade     0 Package(s)

Is this ok [y/N]: n

To by me odinstalovalo skoro celej system…:frowning: co dal…
PS. jinak dikec vsem za rady…, jo vypis dependencies jsme musel hooodne zkratit, byl tak dlouhej, ze by se sem nevesel, tj. neslo prispevek odeslat…

Diky za zkraceni, ale to co ti vypsal ten prikaz je s nejvetsi pravdepodobnosti spravne. Kdyz se totiz podivas do sveho vypisu rpm, zjistis ze nektere tyto baliky mas nainstalovany ve DVOU verzich. To je dusledek nedokoncene aktualizace.

Schvalne si zkus
rpm -qa | sort | less

a hledej libovolny balik, ktery je v tom vypisu. Z te odstranene casti vypisu zjisti, ktery balik je pricinou odstraneni spousty tech dalsich, rekl bych ze to bude ten glibc.

Zkus rucne doinstalovat glibc-common-2.11.1-6:
rpm -Uvh http://mirror.karneval.cz/pub/linux/fedora/linux//updates/12/i386/glibc-common-2.11.1-6.i686.rpm

a pak znovu package-cleanup nebo yum update --skip-broken, psal jsem ze to bude chtit trochu vlastni invence.

diky za radu, s temi duplicity je to skutecne tak.
Jinak jsem stahl podle rady balik glibc-common-2.11.1-6.i686.rpm a pri instalaci

rpm -Uvh glibc-common-2.11.1-6.i686.rpm

error: Failed dependencies:
glibc-common = 2.11.1-4 is needed by (installed) glibc-2.11.1-4.i686

me to hlasi, ze selhala dependencies(zavisloti), ale jinak tomu moc nerozumim, protoze
to pise, ze balik 2.11.1-4 potrebuje (je nutna) instalaovana glibc-2.11.1-4.i686, kterou ale
instalovanou mam… viz.:

Vypis naistalovanych knihoven je tento:
#rpm -qa | grep glibc

Pri instalaci glibc-common.i686 vypise yum toto:

yum install glibc-common.i686

Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit, security
Setting up Install Process
Resolving Dependencies
–> Running transaction check
–> Processing Dependency: glibc-common = 2.11.1-4 for package: glibc-2.11.1-4.i686
—> Package glibc-common.i686 0:2.11.1-6 set to be updated
–> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: glibc-2.11.1-4.i686 (@updates)
Requires: glibc-common = 2.11.1-4
Removing: glibc-common-2.11.1-4.i686 (@updates)
Available: glibc-common-2.11-2.i686 (fedora)
Installing: glibc-common-2.11.1-6.i686 (updates)
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
abrt-1.0.9-2.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with abrt-1.0.9-1.fc12.i686
abrt-addon-ccpp-1.0.9-2.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with abrt-addon-ccpp-1.0.9-1.fc12.i686
abrt-addon-kerneloops-1.0.9-2.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with abrt-addon-kerneloops-1.0.9-1.fc12.i686
abrt-addon-python-1.0.9-2.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with abrt-addon-python-1.0.9-1.fc12.i686
abrt-gui-1.0.9-2.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with abrt-gui-1.0.9-1.fc12.i686
abrt-libs-1.0.9-2.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with abrt-libs-1.0.9-1.fc12.i686
abrt-plugin-bugzilla-1.0.9-2.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with abrt-plugin-bugzilla-1.0.9-1.fc12.i686
abrt-plugin-logger-1.0.9-2.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with abrt-plugin-logger-1.0.9-1.fc12.i686
abrt-plugin-runapp-1.0.9-2.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with abrt-plugin-runapp-1.0.9-1.fc12.i686
festival-1.96-16.fc12.i686 has missing requires of festvox-slt-arctic-hts
fipscheck-lib-1.2.0-4.fc12.i686 has missing requires of /usr/bin/fipscheck
gdb-7.0.1-45.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with gdb-7.0.1-44.fc12.i686
glibc-2.11.1-6.i686 is a duplicate with glibc-2.11.1-4.i686
glibc-2.11.1-6.i686 has missing requires of glibc-common = (‘0’, ‘2.11.1’, ‘6’)
ibus-pinyin-open-phrase-1.3.5-1.fc12.i686 is a duplicate with ibus-pinyin-open-phrase-1.3.3-1.fc12.i686
preupgrade-1.1.5-1.fc12.noarch is a duplicate with preupgrade-1.1.4-1.fc12.noarch
setroubleshoot-plugins-2.1.50-1.fc12.noarch is a duplicate with setroubleshoot-plugins-2.1.49-1.fc12.noarch
system-config-lvm-1.1.13-1.fc12.noarch is a duplicate with system-config-lvm-1.1.12-2.fc12.noarch

tj. ze pozaduje glibc-common = 2.11.1-4, k odstraneni glibc-common-2.11.1-4.i686, ale
dostupne z repozitaru ma jen glibc-common-2.11-2.i686. Tj. vyzkusim manualne stahnout a
naistalovat balik glibc-common = 2.11.1-4, pak odstranit glibc-common-2.11.1-4.i686 a uvidim…
Diky za rady

Tj. vyzkusim manualne stahnout a naistalovat balik glibc-common = 2.11.1-4, pak odstranit
glibc-common-2.11.1-4.i686 a uvidim…

Verzi glibc-common-2.11.1-4.i686 mas prece uz nainstalovanou. Jde o to aby zbyla jen a pouze verze 2.11.1-6. Zkusil bych odstranit duplicitni verze 2.11.1-6

rpm -e glibc-2.11.1-6.i686

pripadne i “rpm -e glibc-devel-2.11.1-6.i686 glibc-headers-2.11.1-6.i686” pokud je nic nevyzaduje.

a pak upgrade a doinstalace
yum update glibc*
yum install glibc-devel glibc-headers

nebo zkusit jak se zachova
yum downgrade glibc*

A nastuduj si v “man rpm” volbu --force, --test

Bohuzel ti nemuzeme napsat presny postup jak to mas vyresit, protoze nevime, ktere vsechny baliky mas duplicitni. Uz v prvnim mem prispevku jsem psal, ze to bude chtit pouzit vlastni invenci, neboli vlastni hlavu. Pokud mas problem s anglictinou, prepni si prostredi do cestiny. Budes muset ale sam podle kompletniho vypisu, ze ktereho se to da vycist, zjistit postup.

Je mozne, ze by se to skutecne dalo misto odstraneni starych verzi balicku rozdychat odstranenim novejsi verzi tech duplicitnich balicku a pote by to uz mel zvladnout update sam.

Zdravim vse,
dekuji vsem za podnetne rady, nakonec zverenuji postup, ktery vse vyresil:

rpm -e glibc-devel-2.11.1-6.i686 glibc-headers-2.11.1-6.i686 gcc-4.4.3-4.fc12.i686 gcc-c+±4.4.3-4.fc12.i686 gcc-gfortran-4.4.3-4.fc12.i686

rpm -e glibc-2.11.1-6.i686

yum update glibc*

#yum package-cleanup
#yum update --skip-broken
#package-cleanup --cleandupes

yum update

