Ovládání hlasitosti

Dobrý den.

Mám Fedora-12-x86_64 s prostředím KDE a mám problém s ovládáním hlasitosti.
Kmix jako hlavní ovládací prvek nenabízí možnost výběru Master jako hlavní kanál a není u něj táhlo. Když jsem zjišťoval nějaké nastavení, tak sem narazil na informaci že Master není povolen v configu. Problem je že nevím do kterého configu bych se měl podívat, či to řešit touto cestou? Zajímavé je, že nedávno Kmix pod root přihlášením ještě fungoval bezchybně a teď už také ne. Momentálně sem problém vyřešil instalací ovládacího centra Pulse audio, a to funguje bezproblémově, ale chtěl bych používat pro běžné ovládáni normálně Kmix.

Předem děkuji za rady.

Bohuzel to nemuzu vyzkouset, ale podle me to bude celou zmenou filosofie ovladani zvuku.
Neco o tom je v clanku http://www.root.cz/clanky/fedora-12-konstantni-kvalita/ kapitola Pulseaudio… po Xté.

Díky za tip, ale (uši) mi to moc neotevřelo.

Našel jsem, kde jsem našel to “není povolen v configu” Je to výpis informací z informačního centra KDE, kde na kartě “Zvuk” je psáno:

Sound Driver: 3.8.la-980706 (ALSA v1.0.20 emulation code)
Kernel: …
Config options: 0

Instaled drivers:
HDA intel at 0xfebfc00 irq 16




31: system timer


Prolezl sem složku: /usr/share/pul­seaudio/alsa-mixer, jak uvádíte v článku a mám zde dvě složky: paths a profile-sets. V paths jsou configy a v podstatě ve všech:

[Element Hardware Master]
switch = mute
volume = merge
override-map.1 = all
override-map.2 = all-left,all-right

což se opakuje u všech elementů.

Pak složka profile-set, kde jsou 3 soubory: default.conf, native-instrument-audio4dj.conf a native-instrument-audio8dj.conf.


This file is part of PulseAudio.

PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as

published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the

License, or (at your option) any later version.

PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but

WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License

along with PulseAudio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,

Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.

; Default profile definitions for the ALSA backend of PulseAudio. This
; is used as fallback for all cards that have no special mapping
; assigned. (and should be good enough for the vast majority of
; cards). Use the udev property PULSE_PROFILE_SET to assign a
; different profile set than this one to a device. So what is this
; about? Simply, what we do here is map ALSA devices to how they are
; exposed in PA. We say which ALSA device string to use to open a
; device, which channel mapping to use then, and which mixer path to
; use. This is encoded in a ‘mapping’. Multiple of these mappings can
; be bound together in a ‘profile’ which is then directly exposed in
; the UI as a card profile. Each mapping assigned to a profile will
; result in one sink/source to be created if the profile is selected
; for the card.

; [General]
; auto-profiles = no | yes # Instead of defining all profiles manually, autogenerate
; # them by combining every input mapping with every output mapping.
; [Mapping id]
; device-strings = … # ALSA device string. %f will be replaced by the card identifier.
; channel-map = … # Channel mapping to use for this device
; description = …
; paths-input = … # A list of mixer paths to use. Every path in this list will be probed.
; # If multiple are found to be working they will be available as device ports
; paths-output = …
; element-input = … # Instead of configuring a full mixer path simply configure a single
; # mixer element for volume/mute handling
; element-output = …
; priority = …
; direction = any | input | output # Only useful for?
; [Profile id]
; input-mappings = … # Lists mappings for sources on this profile, those mapping must be
; # defined in this file too
; output-mappings = … # Lists mappings for sinks on this profile, those mappings must be
; # defined in this file too
; description = …
; priority = … # Numeric value to deduce priority for this profile
; skip-probe = no | yes # Skip probing for availability? If this is yes then this profile
; # will be assumed as working without probing. Makes initialization
; # a bit faster but only works if the card is really known well.

auto-profiles = yes

[Mapping analog-mono]
device-strings = hw:%f
channel-map = mono
paths-output = analog-output analog-output-speaker analog-output-headphones analog-output-headphones-2 analog-output-mono analog-output-lfe-on-mono
paths-input = analog-input analog-input-mic analog-input-linein analog-input-aux analog-input-video analog-input-tvtuner analog-input-fm analog-input-mic-line
priority = 1

[Mapping analog-stereo]
device-strings = front:%f hw:%f
channel-map = left,right
paths-output = analog-output analog-output-speaker analog-output-headphones analog-output-headphones-2 analog-output-mono analog-output-lfe-on-mono
paths-input = analog-input analog-input-mic analog-input-linein analog-input-aux analog-input-video analog-input-tvtuner analog-input-fm analog-input-mic-line
priority = 10

[Mapping analog-surround-40]
device-strings = surround40:%f
channel-map = front-left,front-right,rear-left,rear-right
paths-output = analog-output analog-output-speaker analog-output-lfe-on-mono
priority = 7
direction = output

[Mapping analog-surround-41]
device-strings = surround41:%f
channel-map = front-left,front-right,rear-left,rear-right,lfe
paths-output = analog-output analog-output-speaker analog-output-lfe-on-mono
priority = 8
direction = output

[Mapping analog-surround-50]
device-strings = surround50:%f
channel-map = front-left,front-right,rear-left,rear-right,front-center
paths-output = analog-output analog-output-speaker analog-output-lfe-on-mono
priority = 7
direction = output

[Mapping analog-surround-51]
device-strings = surround51:%f
channel-map = front-left,front-right,rear-left,rear-right,front-center,lfe
paths-output = analog-output analog-output-speaker analog-output-lfe-on-mono
priority = 8
direction = output

[Mapping analog-surround-71]
device-strings = surround71:%f
channel-map = front-left,front-right,rear-left,rear-right,front-center,lfe,side-left,side-right
description = Analog Surround 7.1
paths-output = analog-output analog-output-speaker analog-output-lfe-on-mono
priority = 7
direction = output

[Mapping iec958-stereo]
device-strings = iec958:%f
channel-map = left,right
priority = 5

[Mapping iec958-surround-40]
device-strings = iec958:%f
channel-map = front-left,front-right,rear-left,rear-right
priority = 1

[Mapping iec958-ac3-surround-40]
device-strings = a52:%f
channel-map = front-left,front-right,rear-left,rear-right
priority = 2
direction = output

[Mapping iec958-ac3-surround-51]
device-strings = a52:%f
channel-map = front-left,front-right,rear-left,rear-right,front-center,lfe
priority = 3
direction = output

[Mapping hdmi-stereo]
device-strings = hdmi:%f
channel-map = left,right
priority = 4
direction = output

; An example for defining multiple-sink profiles
#[Profile output:analog-stereo+output:iec958-stereo+input:analog-stereo]
#description = Foobar
#output-mappings = analog-stereo iec958-stereo
#input-mappings = analog-stereo


This file is part of PulseAudio.

PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as

published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the

License, or (at your option) any later version.

PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but

WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License

along with PulseAudio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,

Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.

; Native Instruments Audio 4 DJ
; This card has two stereo pairs of input and two stereo pairs of
; output, named channels A and B. Channel B has an additional
; Headphone connector.
; We knowingly only define a subset of the theoretically possible
; mapping combinations as profiles here.
; See default.conf for an explanation on the directives used here.

auto-profiles = no

[Mapping analog-stereo-a]
description = Analog Stereo Channel A
device-strings = hw:%f,0,0
channel-map = left,right

[Mapping analog-stereo-b-output]
description = Analog Stereo Channel B (Headphones)
device-strings = hw:%f,0,1
channel-map = left,right
direction = output

[Mapping analog-stereo-b-input]
description = Analog Stereo Channel B
device-strings = hw:%f,0,1
channel-map = left,right
direction = input

[Profile output:analog-stereo-all+input:analog-stereo-all]
description = Analog Stereo Duplex Channels A, B (Headphones)
output-mappings = analog-stereo-a analog-stereo-b-output
input-mappings = analog-stereo-a analog-stereo-b-input
priority = 100
skip-probe = yes

[Profile output:analog-stereo-a+input:analog-stereo-a]
description = Analog Stereo Duplex Channel A
output-mappings = analog-stereo-a
input-mappings = analog-stereo-a
priority = 40
skip-probe = yes

[Profile output:analog-stereo-b+input:analog-stereo-b]
description = Analog Stereo Duplex Channel B (Headphones)
output-mappings = analog-stereo-b-output
input-mappings = analog-stereo-b-input
priority = 50
skip-probe = yes

[Profile output:analog-stereo-a]
description = Analog Stereo Output Channel A
output-mappings = analog-stereo-a
priority = 5
skip-probe = yes

[Profile output:analog-stereo-b]
description = Analog Stereo Output Channel B (Headphones)
output-mappings = analog-stereo-b-output
priority = 6
skip-probe = yes

[Profile input:analog-stereo-a]
description = Analog Stereo Input Channel A
input-mappings = analog-stereo-a
priority = 2
skip-probe = yes

[Profile input:analog-stereo-b]
description = Analog Stereo Input Channel B
input-mappings = analog-stereo-b-input
priority = 1
skip-probe = yes


This file is part of PulseAudio.

PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as

published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the

License, or (at your option) any later version.

PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but

WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License

along with PulseAudio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,

Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.

; Native Instruments Audio 8 DJ
; This card has four stereo pairs of input and four stereo pairs of
; output, named channels A to D. Channel C has an additional Mic/Line
; connector, channel D an additional Headphone connector.
; We knowingly only define a subset of the theoretically possible
; mapping combinations as profiles here.
; See default.conf for an explanation on the directives used here.

auto-profiles = no

[Mapping analog-stereo-a]
description = Analog Stereo Channel A
device-strings = hw:%f,0,0
channel-map = left,right

[Mapping analog-stereo-b]
description = Analog Stereo Channel B
device-strings = hw:%f,0,1
channel-map = left,right

Since we want to set a different description for channel C’s/D’s input

and output we define two seperate mappings for them

[Mapping analog-stereo-c-output]
description = Analog Stereo Channel C
device-strings = hw:%f,0,2
channel-map = left,right
direction = output

[Mapping analog-stereo-c-input]
description = Analog Stereo Channel C (Line/Mic)
device-strings = hw:%f,0,2
channel-map = left,right
direction = input

[Mapping analog-stereo-d-output]
description = Analog Stereo Channel D (Headphones)
device-strings = hw:%f,0,3
channel-map = left,right
direction = output

[Mapping analog-stereo-d-input]
description = Analog Stereo Channel D
device-strings = hw:%f,0,3
channel-map = left,right
direction = input

[Profile output:analog-stereo-all+input:analog-stereo-all]
description = Analog Stereo Duplex Channels A, B, C (Line/Mic), D (Headphones)
output-mappings = analog-stereo-a analog-stereo-b analog-stereo-c-output analog-stereo-d-output
input-mappings = analog-stereo-a analog-stereo-b analog-stereo-c-input analog-stereo-d-input
priority = 100
skip-probe = yes

[Profile output:analog-stereo-d+input:analog-stereo-c]
description = Analog Stereo Channel D (Headphones) Output, Channel C (Line/Mic) Input
output-mappings = analog-stereo-d-output
input-mappings = analog-stereo-c-input
priority = 90
skip-probe = yes

[Profile output:analog-stereo-c-d+input:analog-stereo-c-d]
description = Analog Stereo Duplex Channels C (Line/Mic), D (Line/Mic)
output-mappings = analog-stereo-c-output analog-stereo-d-output
input-mappings = analog-stereo-c-input analog-stereo-d-input
priority = 80
skip-probe = yes

[Profile output:analog-stereo-a+input:analog-stereo-a]
description = Analog Stereo Duplex Channel A
output-mappings = analog-stereo-a
input-mappings = analog-stereo-a
priority = 50
skip-probe = yes

[Profile output:analog-stereo-b+input:analog-stereo-b]
description = Analog Stereo Duplex Channel B
output-mappings = analog-stereo-b
input-mappings = analog-stereo-b
priority = 40
skip-probe = yes

[Profile output:analog-stereo-c+input:analog-stereo-c]
description = Analog Stereo Duplex Channel C (Line/Mic)
output-mappings = analog-stereo-c-output
input-mappings = analog-stereo-c-input
priority = 60
skip-probe = yes

[Profile output:analog-stereo-d+input:analog-stereo-d]
description = Analog Stereo Duplex Channel D (Headphones)
output-mappings = analog-stereo-d-output
input-mappings = analog-stereo-d-input
priority = 70
skip-probe = yes

[Profile output:analog-stereo-a]
description = Analog Stereo Output Channel A
output-mappings = analog-stereo-a
priority = 6
skip-probe = yes

[Profile output:analog-stereo-b]
description = Analog Stereo Output Channel B
output-mappings = analog-stereo-b
priority = 5
skip-probe = yes

[Profile output:analog-stereo-c]
description = Analog Stereo Output Channel C
output-mappings = analog-stereo-c-output
priority = 7
skip-probe = yes

[Profile output:analog-stereo-d]
description = Analog Stereo Output Channel D (Headphones)
output-mappings = analog-stereo-d-output
priority = 8
skip-probe = yes

[Profile input:analog-stereo-a]
description = Analog Stereo Input Channel A
input-mappings = analog-stereo-a
priority = 2
skip-probe = yes

[Profile input:analog-stereo-b]
description = Analog Stereo Input Channel B
input-mappings = analog-stereo-b
priority = 1
skip-probe = yes

[Profile input:analog-stereo-c]
description = Analog Stereo Input Channel C (Line/Mic)
input-mappings = analog-stereo-c-input
priority = 4
skip-probe = yes

[Profile input:analog-stereo-d]
description = Analog Stereo Input Channel D
input-mappings = analog-stereo-d-input
priority = 3
skip-probe = yes

Snad to pro nějakou představu pomůže.

Obavam se, ze tohle nam k nicemu nebude. Chtel jsem tim naznacit, ze ovladani zvuku bylo predelano tak, ze uz zadny master neni. Zvuk se nastavuje (pri pouziti pulseaudia) pro kazdou aplikaci, resp. globalne pro konfiguraci portu (viz pavucontrol). Kmix mi prijde, ze se s tim zatim prilis nepopral a stale se snazi pristupovat na nizkourovnovi mixer (muzes zkusit rovnou pustit alsamixer -c 0). Pokud ti to nevyhovuje a chces stary mixer, asi bych zkusil odinstalovat pulseaudio.

Mě jde primárně o to, abych nemusel mít spuštěný někde v okně ovladač hlasitosti a nemusel přelejzat z okna do okna. U většiny programů je to v pohodě, protože maj svoje ovládání, ale například při spuštění Fedory nelze okamžitě ztlumit na požadovanou úroveň úvodní znělka. Nemusím používat Kmix, ale pulseaudiomixer se do panelu nějak nechce vejít. Dá se sice použít jako widget, ale to je zase o tom nemít okna na celou obrazovku. Další nevýhodou je že nelze využívat klávesové zkratky, Nebo sem zatím nepřišel na to jak je nastavit. Pulseaudio se mi odinstalovávat nechtělo protože občas využívám externí usb zvukovku a ta s jinými ovladyči nefrčí. Tak sem odinstaloval KMix a zvuk normálně běží a v každé aplikaci se dá samostatně nastavit. Nu asi se budu muset spokojit s ovládáním každého programu zvlášť jak bylo myšleno. Mrknu ještě na ten alsamixer. Každopádně děkuju za rady.

Alsamixer je lowlevel mixer, z toho asi moc nadsneny nebudes… podle me se zvuk da v pulseaudio stahnout globalne, jen musis o par zalozek doprava na prislusnou konfiguraci “portu”.